Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Little man started school last week. He LOVES it which makes me happy! He went part time to a 3 year old class last year. This year he is in pre-kindergarden. Can you believe it? Next year he will be going to kindergarden.
We are trying to get used to the new routine. It sure is hard though. We got used to cuddling in bed in the mornings and just taking it easy. Now we get up at 6:45 and are out of the door by 8. Little man has to be in school at 8:30. Then baby boy and I come home, he takes a nap and I get started on work. I then pick little man up at noon and we have lunch time, nap time and more work for mom. I feel like a taxi service, cook, maid, laundromat and housekeeper. Add to it that I work from home. It is a lot. I also started working with the 4 year olds at church, which I love! And on Wednesdays we go to church at 6 for little man to go to choir.
So it's busy around here during the week. Very chaotic and very stressful. But I wouldn't have it any other way. OH and add to it that my Sunday afternoons are spent ironing uniforms for the week. hehehe.
I have nothing to complain about. I am so thankful for a husband that helps me. An awesome Christian school for little man to go to. Great teachers and an amazing, supportive family!

How is school going for your kids? Are they liking it?

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