Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Holidays in School

This is the first year my son is in school. Even though he is part time, the always do special parties at school for holidays. For their fall festival (Halloween) I made little baggies with candy for the kids and teacher. For Chrismas I made little baggies with candy and an ornament for the kids and I bought the teachers (he has 2) a small gift. So with Valentine's Day coming up, I already got all that I need to make baggies for the kids. However I am having a hard time figuring out what to get the teachers. I thought about those heart shaped boxes of chocolate. But the nice ones are so expensive and he has 2 teachers. I found a box with Reese's for $5 which would be $10 and I didn't think that was too bad.
I noticed that I am the only parent in that class that does this. In fact, I haven't seen this in the other classes either. Out of 14 kids, my son is the only one that brings treats to his friends and presents to his teachers. Keep in mind, we are on a tight budget. But I feel like this is soemthing nice to do. The kids love it and the teachers feel appreciated.

Do you guys do anything for your kids class? What do you think about a gift for the teachers?

Thanks! :)

1 comment:

daniii♥ said...

We take gifts and whatnot, but I notice the other parents don't... except for Valentine's day. We were the only family to give her teacher's gifts for Christmas and all we gave the kids were cards with candy canes, but again, we were the only ones.

They do do things for the kids' birthdays though. One kid's mom bought everyone pizza, cupcakes and little goodie bags.

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